ABSORPTION :The process by which nutrients are taken up by the intestines and are passed into the bloodstream.
ACID : A water-soluble, sour substance (e.g vinegar).
ACUTE : Having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course.
ADRENAL GLAND : A triangular shaped organ located on the top of each kidney, which produces the hormone adrenalin.
ALKALI : A substance that will neutralize an acid to form a salt; a base.
ALLERGY : A reaction of body tissues to a specific substance.
AMINO ACIDS : A class of organic compounds known as the *building blocks of the protein molecule* .
ANTIBODY : A substance produced in the body which reacts against bacteria, disease, or other foreign material in the bloodstream.
ANTICOAGULANT : An agent that prevents or delays blood clotting.
ANTIOXIDANT : A substance capable of protecting other substances from oxidation.
ANTITOXIN : An antibody formed in the body which neutralizes a specific poison.
ASSIMILATE : Absorb into the system; transform food into living tissues.
ATROPHY : A wasting away of a cell, tissue, organ, or part.
AVIDIN : A protein like substance isolated from egg white; an antagonist of biotin.